Director's Cut

Doctor Sleep: Director's Cut (Coffee & Conversations, Episode One)


When Doctor Manhattan entered into our atmosphere, he made a few changes along the way. Which included not only a brand new Patreon-exclusive* podcast series & a set of fun size Victims and Villains episode called Coffee & Conversations. Welcome to episode one, where we are looking at Doctor Sleep: Director's Cut. Major spoilers will abound and if you would like more Doctor Sleep, check out our full length episode on the theatrical cut.

If you or someone you know is reading this right now and you are struggling with suicide, depression, addiction, or self-harm - please reach out. Comment, message or tweet to us. Go to for more resources. Call the suicide lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Text "HELP" to 741-741. There is hope & you DO have so much value and worth!

Victims and Villains is written and produced by Josh "Captain Nostalgia" Burkey. Music by Yuriy Bespalov (http://bit/ly/yuriyb) & Beggars (

*with Patreon you can get access to exclusive content but most importantly partner with us to get mental health resources into schools, conventions and more: