Constantine: City of Demons

Constantine has always been a cult classic kind of character. Thanks to things like a NEW 52 run - both in his own solo title and Justice League Dark - a Matt Ryan led NBC drama, and an appearance on Arrow; his star has risen quite a lot in the last few years. For his latest trick, Ryan returns to the role of the cigarette smoking demonologist in the newest animated film: Constantine: City of Demons. City tells the story of Constantine reuniting with his oldest mate, Chaz, in an effort to take down the being responsible for taking Chaz’s daughter.


The animation of this film is gorgeous. DC continues to show the same quality of depth we’ve come to expect with their animated films. At this point, in the character’s journey of pop culture, it’s really hard to separate who Constantine is from Matt Ryan. Ryan has definitely done for the character what Kevin Conroy did for the Dark Knight. Ryan continues to shine as the titular character of brokeness and magic, even in the animation realm. He outshines those around him honestly. No other voice actors really comes across as memorable except for the film’s villain voiced by Jim Meskimen. The storytelling aspect of the film is strong for the most part. It has a bit of scenes and a few characters you could have done without. Overall, this is one of DC’s strongest films coming out of their animation canons. There are moments where its raw and variable and others its’ action packed and will have you on the edge of your seat.



Constantine is a gripping occult based animated feature that is the movie we hoped that Justice League Dark would be. Matt Ryan IS Constantine and has continued to do the character justice. There is very little to not enjoy, but there is one big complaint of mine. Once we get to California, things get a little rushed and I would have loved seeing more time for thing to culminate. Overall, this is the A+ content that I expect from DC Animation and I hope they continue to explore more Vertigo properties.


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Credits: Music by Logan McElroy and Shawn Davis. The X-Files & the Predator are properties of Fox. We do not own nor claim any rights. The Flash & Man of Steel are property of Warner Brothers & DC Comics. We do not own nor claim any rights. Networked by That's Entertainment!  “Blaine” section written by Blaine McLaren,