Monty Python & The Holy Grail

In this episode...


We've been building it up for a while, For Better or Worse has made cameos in previous episodes (Mission Impossible: Fallout, Worst. Game. Ever. (Part One), Christopher Robin & The Death of Superman). Now, they join us for this crossover event! For Better or Worse is a podcast run by Jason & Erin Walker. The walkers have two completely different tastes in movies. Each week, they force one another to watch a movie which the other one won't like and the podcast is used as a platform for discussion on each film. Check out the other half of the crossover here, talking Pitch Black.


We wanted to approach this episode with the same formula, the Walkers, use for their show. Host, Capt. Nostalgia, and his wife also have vastly different tastes. For this episode, she picked the subject matter. We're traveling back into the 70s to discuss, Monty Python & the Holy Grail. So what do you think about Monty Python & the Holy Grail? What's your favorite memory of the movie? Make sure you let us know in the comments below!


Life is tough, right? In this film, we are introduced to a man known as the Black Knight. The Black Knight merely has one job he's tasked with: guarding the bridge. The very brief scene we experience of him, he loses both arms and legs - yet is still willing to fight. What a powerful lesson to gleam. No matter how bad life gets, remember to keep fighting. The pay off to the fight is always worth it!



More importantly, if you or someone you know is struggling with suicide, depression, self-harm or addiction, please feel free to reach out, use any of our resources, call the suicide life line: 1-800-273-8255 or text 741-741. 


Music by Logan McElroy & Shawn Davis. The Flash and Man of Steel are all properties of DC Comics & Warner Brothers Pictures. We do not own or claim any rights to them. The X-Files are property of Fox/Disney. We do not own or claim any rights. For Better or Worse Podcast logo is property of For Better or Worse. We do not own or claim any rights. Monty Python & The Holy Grail is property of Sony Pictures. We do not own or claim any rights.