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Craig Fairbrass | Villain Interview

What was your preparation for this role? Did you have to start a fitness regime, do some background research?

 No it wasn’t that type of movie - it was real and the action was short, sharp and quick with impact, just like it is in real life and very brutal and disturbing. We wanted to make it have an impact and be really integral to the storyline.

The theme of "Your past affecting your future" and karma play a role throughout the film, do you believe in those messages when it comes to your life outside of film?

 Yeah I really do - with Eddie he had done his time paid his penance and now wants a new life and to connect with his family properly and to just do the right thing but obviously fate took a dark turn and ultimately he becomes a victim of his own actions. In my real life I’m a superstitious person and I’ve always treated people how they treat me and how I would want to be treated.  I’ve always visualized and had always wanted to play a role like this. 

Were you able to do your own stunts for some of the hand to hand combat in the film? 

I don’t know if you have seen the film but it’s rooted in reality and not a  choreographed action fight film like we see all the time, this was not in the style of hand to hand combat,  but more a desperate dirty fight for survival and very violent bloody and real and yes I usually can do that myself.

Where does this rank in the roles you have done in your career so far? 

Its up there with my best work without a doubt its a proper little serious film with a great big heart and a human story with pathos at its core ..the response to the film has been breathtaking from audiences and critics alike.

How does this film differ from other crime dramas? 

I just think it’s got a great story, good authentic London dialogue and it’s interesting - you wanna watch it.

What do you hope viewers take away from this story?

I just hope they find it a real solid watch with strong performances a gripping storyline and may move a little bit.

Do you believe that the character you play is an actual villain or just a man beset by unlucky circumstances? 

Eddie was a villain back in the day but prison reformed him he was ready for a fresh start but the more he tried to do good the more he became a victim of circumstance and could only resort to what he knows best when it came to protecting his family.

The story doesn't seek to glorify the lifestyle of the criminals we see in this world like other films have done, is that the depiction of criminal underworld you would love to see in a film more often?

Yeah I think its really important the message of - Crime doesn’t pay, it is so easy to constantly glamorize and poison young minds in films but ALL OF MY FILMS PLAYING VILLAINS I’ve always come to a dark and grisly end.

What are your future plans? Do you have any new roles lined up at the moment? 

I have two other movies due out RISE OF THE FOOTSOLDIER 4 end of May in US and is part of a very successful UK gangster franchise. Muscle gets its UK release -  is a black n white arthouse psychological thriller about gym culture. Directed by the ward winning Gerard Johnson (HYENA)

Victims and Villains is written and produced by Josh "Captain Nostalgia" Burkey. Music by Yuriy Bespalov & Beggars. Villain is property of Saban Films. We do not own nor claim any rights. Villain is available May 22nd, 2020 on all major digital platforms .

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