Mental Health Through Pop Culture

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Bombshells & Dollies

I think we've given the subject of beauty pageants a fairly bad or cliché name. Thanks to cultural events like Miss America. Heck even pieces of media like Miss Congeniality - both films, no matter how forgettable the second one is - and Toddlers in Tierras. In some ways, we've formed our mind around what we think these shows are but without really understanding them. While it can be heartbreaking in some sense - it's worth the investigation to see if our notions hold any validity. 

Maybe I'm alone in having these preconceived notions. Perhaps, there are those reading this right now and don't see these pageants, and culture really, as toxic. Maybe it's the complete opposite where it's truly empowering. That's one of the things that both challenged and latched itself to me coming out of the documentary, Bombshells and Dollies. The film chronicles the road to the Viva Las Vegas Pin-up Contest - specifically of 2018. Even further than that, the filmmakers explain the culture behind the pin-up subculture.

Bombshells is extraordinarily well crafted, even in its' short runtime. The documentary manages to explain not only the pageant, but the history that lead to this now HUGE cultural event. All the while, humanizing every pageant participant along the way. Even with its shorter run time, viewers are taken on a emotional, heartbreaking and empowering story of these women. The narrative of each girl allows for a relatable connection, to the subject, that few documentaries can successfully pull off. Documentaries mostly exist to tell stories of incredible feats and educate viewers throughout. The personal and vulnerability of Bombshells is what helps it to successfully stand out on its own.

Overall, Bombshells and Dollies, is a documentary that boldly standouts within its genre. Much like individuals who are still hung up on nostalgia, standing out in our modern era, that's how Bombshells acts as a documentary. The filmmakers behind the documentary boast serious strength in showcasing not only the vulnerability of the subject at hand. But also layering it with insightful history to give it a more lasting impression on the viewer. You may laugh, you may cry but one thing you won't be able to do is look away. Bombshells and Dollies is 2020's first great documentary. 



If you or someone you know is reading this right now and you are struggling with suicide, depression, addiction, or self-harm - please reach out. Comment, message or tweet to us. Go to for more resources. Call the suicide lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Text "HELP" to 741-741. There is hope & you DO have so much value and worth!

Victims and Villains is written and produced by Josh "Captain Nostalgia" Burkey. Music by Yuriy Bespalov & Beggars. Bombshells and Dollies is property of TriCoast Entertainment. We do not own nor claim any rights.

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